Charm Medical Supply CEO Peter Tallas was named New England Medical Equipment Dealers Association’s (NEMED) Member of the Year. Mr. Tallas was presented the award at NEMED’s annual conference held in Portland, Maine, May 25, 2010.
Mr. Tallas was recognized for his dedication to the Home Health Care industry and his tireless work advocating for the industry’s interests in light of proposed rate cuts during the year.
“I am very honored to receive this award. In these times of tough budgetary constraints, it is important for everyone to be involved. Working together with an amazing organization like NEMED and its members allowed us to really make a difference for patients and for the industry.”
This award is presented each year to an individual or company who promoted the interests of the home medical equipment, rehab-assistive technology, respiratory or infusion industry through one or more of the following: grassroots lobbying, sponsoring local events to educate consumers i.e. health fairs, open houses, etc., regular attendance at NEMED education programs or participation in a NEMED committee.
The New England Medical Equipment Dealers Association (NEMED) is a regional association consisting of the six New England states. Founded in 1988, NEMED’s broad membership works together supporting the common goals and interests of the Home Medical Equipment, Respiratory, and Rehab/Assistive Technology and Home Infusion Therapy industry.
Peter Tallas with Karyn Estrella, Executive Director of NEMED